One man learnt a very valuable lesson after cheating on his girlfriend: If you’re going to be unfaithful, don’t leave your appendages vulnerable to a fiery attack.

After finding out that her man had slept with her co-worker, an unknown woman decided to get payback against the very body part he had strayed with.

While he was sleeping, she sneaked up on him, with a camera running, and set the underwear he was wearing on fire.

In a 30-second clip shared by Elite Daily, the man is seen fast asleep in a white bed wearing just underwear and a pair of high socks.

A woman, presumably his girlfriend or wife, whose face cannot be seen, carefully and quietly removes the blanket that is partially covering him.

She then opens a bottle of nail polish remover and slowly pours some of the liquid over the groin area of his underwear.

With a long lighter, she sets the front of his underwear on fire. It only burns for about a second before her boyfriend jolts awake, screaming and batting at the flames.

“You cheating on me with my f***ing co-worker, you didn’t think I was gonna find out?” she is heard saying as he rolls over and moans, holding his crotch.

“Get your s*** and get the f*** out,” she says, as he falls off the bed and stumbles off camera.

She’s certainly not the first scorned woman whose lover has faced hell this year. In April, a Japanese woman got revenge on her cheating boyfriend by destroying thousands of dollars worth of technology.

Furious over his infidelity, she tossed his iMac desktop computer, Mac laptop, iPhone, iPad, and other gadgets into a bathtub full of water.

The heartbroken man then shared images of his destroyed Apple collection on Twitter.

Also, in February pictures surfaced online showing an Audi R8 V, which can cost upwards of $115,900, completely torn apart from the inside out.

After a woman reportedly learned that her husband was sneaking around, she smashed all his car’s windows, the dashboard and speedometer, and the headlights and taillights.

She also tore up the leather seats and keyed the red paint on the exterior, leaving the message, “f*** you” with a smiley face on the car’s trunk.

Source: Mail Online


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