Home HEALTH Provision of water for Dzemeni reduces diarrhoeal diseases

Provision of water for Dzemeni reduces diarrhoeal diseases

Tongor-Dzemeni (V/R), July 12, GNA – Two water systems provided for the people of Tongor-Dzemeni in the South-Dayi District and its environs within the past six years has slashed the incidence of diarrhoeal diseases there by half.

Charles Nimako, Country Director of Safe Water Network, an NGO gave the hint at the inauguration of a third system for the area.

He therefore urged the around 8,000 inhabitants to switch wholly to the use of potable water to eliminate diarrhoeal diseases.

The new $75,000 system with a monthly capacity of 2.6 litters was funded through the network by a consortium of funding partners including Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, (CNHF), Stone Family Foundation and Newman’s Own Foundation.

The local partners are the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) and the District Assembly.

Kurt Soderlund, Chief Executive Officer of Safe Water Network, said the motivation for the organisation to provide water for people was that communities in Ghana deserve to have the amenity, which is essential for living, water, just as localities in the US.

Konadu Owusu, Acting Volta Regional Head of CWSA, lead agency in the provision of rural water, observed that the availability of water promotes development.

Ed Cain, Vice-President of the, Grant Programmes of the CNHF, said the Foundation had associated with Ghana in the past 25 years in water provision and also the eradication of guinea worm, spending 50 million dollars so far.

Mr Theophilus Dzimega, Head-Operations, Safe Water Network said the source of water is the Volta Lake and would flow by gravity.

He said quality control is thorough and also the module of management of the Network’s system is to ensure that they remain sustainable after many years.

Mr Francis Ganyaglo, Deputy Regional Minister said regional water coverage, at 63.67 per cent in 2014, could reach 100 per cent by the close of 2015.

He cautioned community members against human activities such as washing, bathing, defecating into the water bodies.

Mr Ganyaglo appealed to the CNHF to explore other areas of social and economic interventions across the region to help alleviate poverty and assist in improving upon the standard of living in our communities.



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