Home SHOWBIZ PHOTOS: Afia Schwarzennegar donates boxes of chalk to Kukurantumi School

PHOTOS: Afia Schwarzennegar donates boxes of chalk to Kukurantumi School

Host of Kasapa 102.3 FM‘s midmorning show Aben Wo Ha, Valentina Agyeiwaa, a.k.a Afia Schwarzennegar, has donated some 100 boxes of chalk to the Kukurantumi Presby Primary School in the Eastern Region.

Schwarzennegar headed to the school after her show on Friday to donate to the school, which has beeen making headlines after they had their request for chalks turned down by the Second Lady Matilda Amissah-Arthur, who visited them this week. READ MORE HERE

She was accompanied by a team from the Kasapa newsroom as well as her producer Ben Duker.

The donation she says was her own way of responding to the call the school made to madam Amissah-Arhur.

See photos




By: Kasapafmonline.com/Ghana


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