Home SHOWBIZ How a ‘river side’ scene nearly caused actress Spendilove to go blind

How a ‘river side’ scene nearly caused actress Spendilove to go blind

Teen actress, Spendilove Acheampong, recently engaged in a candid conversation with Abena Ghana on “The Journey” on Adom TV, she expressed some regrettable experience she faced in the course of her career.

Despite intimating that she would not change a thing in her nearly one decade of shooting films, the 19-year-old recounted a mishap that nearly kicked her out of business.

Spendilove narrated how she suffered a spiritual attack that almost cost her her sight while shooting at a riverside.

What she thought was makeup in her eye suddenly turned serious to the point her vision became blurred.

“I remember I was shooting and all of a sudden I had an effect on my eye. At that time my mother was not a prophetess yet but she was very prayerful so through that God saved me.”

When pressed by the host for further details, Spendilove yielded and disclosed the attack was from the river deity.

“…later on, a pastor revealed to my mother that the producers did not follow customs to pour libation or appease the river before shooting in it.”

After much prayers, she was free from the spiritual bondage and went on to shoot more films.

Source: Dan Kwasi Prince || Dailyviewgh.com


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