Home NEWS Businessman Suspected of Being Bisexual Escapes Pursuers in Fiapre Near Sunyani

Businessman Suspected of Being Bisexual Escapes Pursuers in Fiapre Near Sunyani

Businessman Suspected of Being Bisexual Escapes Pursuers in Fiapre Near Sunyani

In a dramatic turn of events that has gripped the nation, Mr. Nelson Yaw Obeng, a businessman has found himself at the center of controversy amidst suspicions of being a LGBTQ person.  

Reports have surfaced indicating that Mr. Obeng was forced to flee from assailants in Accra to hide in Fiapre but was found out by an Anti-gay group following a tip off culminating in a tense confrontation with an angry mob in Fiapre near Sunyani.

The incident, which unfolded yesterday afternoon, has left the business community reeling and raised questions about the safety and rights of individuals in Ghana.

READ MORE: Muslim bisexualist and three daughters go missing as community kills partner over anti LGBTQ+

According to an eyewitness accounts, Mr. Obeng was seen frantically running through the streets of Fiapre, his face a mask of fear as he attempted to evade his pursuers.

Sources close to Mr. Obeng have revealed that the businessman had recently faced threats and harassment due to rumors about his sexuality in Accra forcing him to seek refuge in Fiapre. These rumors, which had been circulating in certain circles, allegedly came to a head yesterday when Mr. Obeng was confronted by a group of individuals intent on causing him harm.

Eyewitnesses to the chase described a scene of chaos as Mr. Obeng darted through the crowded streets, his assailants in hot pursuit. “It was like something out of a movie,” said Kwame Mensah, who witnessed the chase. “Mr. Obeng was running for his life, and those after him seemed determined to catch him.”

In a desperate bid to escape, Mr. Obeng managed to make his way to a waiting vehicle and instructed the driver to head towards Sunyani. However, his pursuers were undeterred, following closely behind.

Upon reaching Sunyani, Mr. Obeng’s attempt to find refuge took a dangerous turn as he found himself confronted by an angry mob. Reports indicate that some members of the crowd had been incited by the rumors surrounding Mr. Obeng’s sexuality and were intent on taking matters into their own hands.

In the chaos that ensued, Mr. Obeng narrowly escaped from the mob, fleeing into the surrounding area. As of now, he remains at large, with authorities launching a search operation to locate him.

One of the enthusiastic anti-gay gang members interviewed by our reported at the scene urged the public to help get rid of the LGBT people from amongst us. “We think the police are not doing enough to stem the issue of LGBTQ. The Police on the other hand said they have heard about the situation, but no one has made a formal complaint but urged the people to remain calm and not take the matters into their hands. 

Meanwhile, reactions to the incident have been mixed, with some condemning the actions of the mob and others expressing concern for Mr. Obeng’s well-being. The incident has also sparked a larger conversation about the rights of individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, and the need for greater tolerance and acceptance in Ghanaian society.

For now, Mr. Nelson Yaw Obeng remains a fugitive, his whereabouts unknown as authorities continues their search. The nation watches anxiously as developments unfold in this shocking case that has left a prominent businessman on the run.

The introduction of the new “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill.” spearheaded by Hon. Sam George, MP for Ningo-Prampram has sparked lots of controversy with many youths hunting for persons perceived to be members of the LGBT Community. 

Proposed in 2021, this legislation not only criminalizes LGBTQ relationships but also targets those who advocate for LGBTQ rights, potentially extending its scope to journalists who are deemed to be “promoting” such issues. The bill also imposes a “duty to report,” urging citizens to notify the police or authorities about suspected LGBTQ individuals—a provision that has sparked deep concerns among many within the country. Despite being under parliamentary review for two years, the bill has now progressed to its final stages, recently passed into law by unanimous decision in Parliament. Unless the president opts to veto the bill upon its arrival at his desk, numerous individuals fear the consequence in international relations should the law become enforceable in Ghana.

By: Dan Kwasi Prince || Dailyviewgh.com


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