Home SHOWBIZ Bleaching is my talent, I can’t stop – Bukom Banku

Bleaching is my talent, I can’t stop – Bukom Banku

Professional boxer and entertainer, Bukom Banku has vehemently opposed calls from some quarters advising him to stop bleaching.

During a discussion on GTV’s Breakfast show, Bukom Banku said he is not the first person to bleach and will not stop bleaching. He intimated that bleaching is a talent ingrained in his blood hence the two of them are inseparable.

“Bleaching is my character from the beginning because Michael Jackson bleached himself, Ofori Amponsah bleached himself. Nobody should tell me that I should stop bleaching” he said.

He added that people cannot be changed by others except themselves. “Nobody can change somebody. If you want to change, you change for yourself”.

Watch the full interview below;

By: Dailyviewgh.com


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