Home HEALTH Ban importation of locally manufactured drugs – Danadams

Ban importation of locally manufactured drugs – Danadams

The Chief Executive Officer of Danadams Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Yaw Adu Gyamfi has called for a complete ban on the importation of medicines which can be produced locally.

Dr. Adu Gyamfi explains that the move will strengthen the capacity of Pharmaceutical companies and also provide employment opportunity.

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Ghana currently imports 70% of medicines. The trend according to some Pharmaceutical Companies is preventing  growth of the local industry.

Speaking at the launch of the 10th Anniversary of Danadams Pharmaceuticals in Accra today, Dr. Yaw Adu Gyamfi indicated the ban will boost the capacity of local companies.

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He said, seventy percent of all medicines that are used in Ghana are imported and most of them are from India or China.

“The thirty percent of the medicine are the ones we produce here. The government has taken a bold steps by exempting all pharmaceuticals from VAT, which is to take effect very soon. The Government must also take a bold step in trying to make sure that all the medicines that are produced locally we stop them from importation.”


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“Nigerians have done we can also do it. Those medicines that local Pharmaceutical Companies have the capacity to produce we must tell the government at least to take steps to ban it.  Yes we all understand that there will be conditions because of WTO condition but still if local Pharmaceutical Companies. If Government does this, it will strengthen the capacity of Pharmaceutical companies and also provide employment opportunity. I believe this will go a long way to strengthen the economy as well,” Dr.  Gyamfi added.


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