It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2.

Made popular by it’s bitter taste, it is used for preparing the well-known Bitter leaf soup.

This vegetable is extremely good for the body, health benefits include:

1 Increased metabolism- This is particularly good for anyone who wants to lose weight.

2 Relieves fever and feverish conditions- Just drink the juice gotten from squeezing the leaves three times daily.

3 Reduces the blood-sugar level- Making it very good for diabetic patients.

4 Cures skin rashes, eczema, ring worms- Due to its antibiotic and antifungal properties, it can cure skin ailments.

5 Cures pile.
6 Detoxifies the body.
7 Increases breast milk production in nursing mothers.

8 Cures mild stomach ailments.
9 Acts as a worm expeller.


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