Home SPORTS Togbi Nyaho Tamakloe VI leads fundraiser in support of Keta Sunset’s Beach...

    Togbi Nyaho Tamakloe VI leads fundraiser in support of Keta Sunset’s Beach Soccer World Clubs championship campaign in Spain

    His Majesty, Togbi Nyaho Tamakloe VI, Paramount Chief of Kome and Shine, Dufia of Whuti and Miafiaga (Left Wing King) of the Anlo Kingdom has volunteered to lead a fundraiser in support of Sunset Sports Keta’s impending Beach Soccer Worldwide (BSWW) World Winners’ Cup (WWC) competition in Fuerteventura, Spain in April.

    The reigning African and three (3) times Ghana champions have set sights on the World Club competition after emerging winners of Africa’s biggest club competition, Copa Lagos and stellar performances in the Ghana league and competitions.

    His Majesty Togbi Nyaho Tamakloe VI, a youth development and a sports enthusiast, volunteered to lead a fundraiser that will see the Keta based club appear on the global stage after news emerged of the clubs interest in participating in the competition.

    According to the CEO of Sunset Sports Keta and Vice Chairman of the Ghana Beach Soccer Clubs Union (GHABSCU) Dzidodo Ruben Adjahoe, the gesture of support to the club from His Majesty Togbi Nyaho Tamakloe VI is very welcomed and all discussion with the King has been very fruitful. The club CEO expressed confidence the efforts of the respected traditional leader of the Anlo Kingdom will yield very positive results.

    “The club is very lucky at this important period in our growth to get support from His Majesty especially at the point we need all the funding we can get to play in the world clubs championship. It’s been our dream to play on the global stage and with the support and unflinching support from our King, we are very confident our dreams will be a reality. Our King is in support of our ambitions and every discussion we’ve had has been very positive.”

    The award-winning beach soccer club executive also stated a fundraising team will be put in place to compliment the efforts of the King.

    “His Majesty as we understand is very committed to help us get to play in Spain and we are very appreciative of the effort. Togbi has equally demanding responsibilities as well, so we are looking to identify other prominent people from our area to support our King in this regard.

    His Majesty, Togbi Nyaho Tamakloe VI holds an MBA from the University of New Brunswick, Canada. He is a former Edmonton Police Commissioner and a Chief Administrative Officer Consultant. For over 25 years Togbi has been providing executive leadership and governance advice to organizations. He is currently the Vice President and Founding Member of The Coalition for Canadian Police Reform (C-CPR).

    Sunset Sports Keta is Ghana’s most successful beach soccer club having won Africa’s biggest club competition, Copa Lagos and three (3) Ghana league championships in four (4) league seasons amongst other titles. The team is looking to fundraise about USD100, 000 to be able to make a maiden appearance on the world stage.


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