Jacob Opoku a 21 old year old boy has been Incumbent as Assembly Member for Tantra Hill. He said to be a Third year business Administration student at the University of Ghana – Legon..
Jacob’s Aims and Message
Committed-he says in his campaign that when you are committed to your Job it becomes your first priority, therefore much attention will be paid to his community for the development of it since he’s committed to his community Tantra Hill..
Accessible- he also aims at getting an office which will be open during working hours for everyone in the community to come and discuss or share ideas as to how our community can become the best (that’s grassroots participation)
Vibrant-finally he will open social media platforms that will show our problems and also monitor developmental projects going on , moreover he will lobby hard with the municipal and the DC so that any project that has to be done in the community and needs will be attended to with immediate effect.
See photos of Jacob Opoku