Home NEWS Photo of the week: DA elections: When you have nothing to do...

Photo of the week: DA elections: When you have nothing to do but sleep

Electoral Commission officials were not able to keep their eyes on the queues during the District Assembly elections last Tuesday.

Because there were no queues.

The 2015 District Assembly elections was an expensive flop of a necessity. This is because we have paid lip service to the whole concept of decentralization.

The grassroot local governance is weak because we have been unable or afraid to really give power to the Districts.

And perhaps even worse, we put 400 irretrievable million cedis into it. We actually put our money where our heart was not.

How can any winner walk in the neighbourhood as an Assembly man knowing that only 5% of eligible voters actually cast their ballot in an electoral area at Odorkor?

But in Ghana the farce is a fact that thrives in our so-called democracy.


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