Home NEWS Marry in your 20s because no man will marry when you are...

Marry in your 20s because no man will marry when you are 30 plus –Pastor says

A Nigerian pastor called Prophet Ritabbi has advised young girls in their 20s to get married as soon as possible because no man will want to marry them when they are 30 years and above.

According to this man of God, it is better to marry in your early 20s as a lady because the chances of getting a partner after 30 are very slim.

He didn’t advise women to marry when they are ready or marry men who love them and can take care of them. Instead, he is advising these women to marry when they are in their 20s.

Marriage in this 21st century comes with a lot of responsibilities. One has to be physically, emotionally, financially, and psychologically ready before bringing another person into their life.


the rate at which divorce has increased in marriages in Africa is alarming. The worse part is that most people suffer abuse in marriages and this has forced a lot of people to either run away from it or remain single.


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