Home EDUCATION JHS 2 and SHS 2 students will reopen school on 5th October...

JHS 2 and SHS 2 students will reopen school on 5th October – Akufo Addo

President Akufo-Addo has announced the resumption of school for second-year students of Junior and Senior High Schools across the county on October 5, 2020.

According to him, the move forms part of efforts to ensure that they complete their academic work as government works towards the easing of restriction in the fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus.

He made these comments during his 16th address to the nation on measures taken to curb the virus’ spread.

The students are expected to complete their academic work on December 14, 2020, the President said amid strict adherence to Covid-19 safety protocols.

“With Junior High Schools operating with class sizes of 30, and Senior High Schools with class sizes of 25, SHS 2 and JHS 2 students will be in school for 10 weeks to study, and write their end of term examinations,” he said.

More soon…


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