Home NEWS Chief Of Oblieman inaugurates Anamase Royal Alliance Council

Chief Of Oblieman inaugurates Anamase Royal Alliance Council

The Paramount Chief of Oblieman in the Ga West Municipality who also serves as the President of Abola Piam Royal Council, Nii Ayitey Anumle Oyanka (I)has together with the Amanase Royal Alliance Council of Akyem Bosome Traditional Area, has successfully inaugurated the Council.

The mission of the Royal Traditional Council is to propagate for Infrastructure, Development, security and protection of the Amanase natural resources, Foreign Affairs and Environmental Sustainability. Speaking at the Launch, Nii Oyanka highlighted the benefits for the people to unite and fight for development and infrastructure.

“Though, today is a great day in the history of our tradition where two Kingdoms are physically and Spiritual Combined. It is with Great sadness that am here without my Godfather, Mentor, Brother and Chief, the late OSU Chief and President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chief, Nii Okwei Kinka, may his soul rest in perfect peace.” Nii Ayitey.

Speaking at the official inaugural ceremony of the Anamase Alliance Council, the chairman of the council who also doubled as the CEO of Council of International Chamber of Commerce, Nii Ayitey Anumle Oyanka said that “traditional leaders, as custodians of the land, cultures, heritage and traditions of our communities, have the responsibility to uphold and protect Our Natural Resources.”

“We are witnessing yet another important milestone for Traditional Royal leaders as it continues with its very important and primary task of promoting the interests of traditional communities in our country and inspiring us to serve them to the best of our abilities” he noted.

“At this juncture, allow me to Announce King Joseph David Jeremiah of the Royal House of King David of the Tribe of Judah who is also the Vice-Chairperson of the Anamase Alliance Royal Council and also King of Anamase Infrastructure and Traditional Development.
“King David Joseph Jeremiah is a world icon, loved by all, and an embodiment of the sacrosanct values of freedom, justice, peace, equality, respect, the truth and kindness as espoused in our many countries across the world” he quoted.

The chief further stated that “the opening of the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders is an important occasion that serves to remind us of the enormous tasks and responsibilities we remain seized within advancing development and service delivery to benefit the people of this Province, especially in our rural areas. It reminds us that we should remain unshaken by the enormity of challenges to conquer poverty and underdevelopment that still beset many of our people in the underdeveloped rural areas most of which are within the jurisdiction of traditional leadership.”
“Together, we must continue to champion the hopes of thousands of Ghanaians who cherish a better life, peace, equity and justice. As we have seen recently, many youths have been involved in demonstrations, today in 26 years later, Ghanaians are demonstrating against the same issues.” Chief

He is optimistic that, governments uncertainty and failures did not start yesterday or today, nor did it start 4 or 8 years ago. It started ever since the word Government existed and Governments and Politicians alone cannot be blamed for the poor development and infrastructure of our beloved country. Traditional councils, leaders and Christian Organisations and Colonial Masters are also to be blamed. They always appreciate this interaction with our Governments and Political leaders as it not only strengthens cooperation between the Provincial Government and Traditional Authorities but also reaffirms our commitment to the role of cooperation in consolidating our Royal Sovereign governance, especially at a local government level. “Allow me also to salute the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Mr Henry Quartey for the deep concern he has for the development of the people and their communities in the Greater Accra Region.

We remain committed as the provincial royal council and local government to continue to provide all the necessary support for the effective functioning of the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders as well as ensuring that Governments and Political leaders are continuously engaged to seek participation and input on matters of development at a local level” he stressed.

“I appreciate the National and Regional Provincial House of Traditional Leaders for the many initiatives and engagements they have made for the betterment of Our Nation. The Provincial Government has since committed to maintaining the status quo until such time when the Traditional Affairs Bill is finalized, which seeks to recognize the Khoi-San Communities and Leadership in addition to those who have already been recognised.

Chairperson, I have also received the report from State of Georgia Secretary of state DONZELLA James in a meeting held in Georgia State Capital titled ”’ Interstate
Cooperation Committee Meeting on June 18th of where our International Liaisons and Trustees of the Royal Dynasty were officially invited to speak on behalf of Our Kingdoms.” He emphasised.

“This Development is captured on youtube and international news forums as interstate cooperation committee at Georgia state Capital. last month through the courtesy of the Royal Council Foreign Diplomatic office in America through to our Business Queen of Development Graciela Marie Blackstone with traditional name as Naa Adarku Mansa 1, Through to HRH Laremy Wade, Commander Frederick Lee Mchenry Sr. The intent to fully support both the Ga Abola Piam Royal Council of Greater Accra Region and New Aanamse Royal Alliance Council of the Eastern Region of Ghana on Traditional Development and Infrastructure Development, Leadership on Disputes and Claims.

Abola Piam Royal Council and Anamase Royal Alliance Council Diplomatic Office Notice and its International Appointees was filed and accepted by the Superior Court, Cherokee County Georgia with File Number 28-2021-029927 on 28th May 2021.” Nii Ayitey.

He further stated that “challenges as a country and a province are enormous and therefore we cannot spare any effort to address poverty and all its negative consequences, especially for the poorest of the poor in the rural area.”

“In oneness with local government structures, our traditional leaders must identify economic development opportunities to ensure that we create jobs and empower our rural communities. We must jointly embark on tangible opportunities to ensure that we empower our women and allow them to be an integral part of the socio-economic development of our Province. As leaders in our communities, we urge you to speak out against societal menaces such as crime, teenage pregnancies as well as alcohol and drug abuse.
It is incumbent on all of us to encourage children to focus on education as a tool to end intergenerational poverty and the cycle of hopelessness and despair.” Chief.

He calls for assistance through the anti-poverty programme to identify the poorest of the poor in our communities so that the necessary interventions are made to uplift and improve their living conditions. He again stressed that it is good to ensure that, education becomes a community issue by encouraging children to take subjects that will help grow the economy so that poverty becomes history and overcome the critical skills challenge in South Africa.

“My sisters and brothers, we must speak out against the abuse and violence of women and children. In the spirit of mass mobilization, it is crucial that government, traditional leadership institutions, civil society formations and communities work together to build a moral and ethical society” he urged. According to him, we must all actively participate in crime prevention programmes to ensure that our communities enjoy a safe environment and entrench a human rights culture.

Furthermore, all must assist in the criminal justice system, thereby stemming such unacceptable activities as stock theft, abuse of women and children and drug and alcohol abuse. In playing that role, traditional leaders would be assisting the Security agencies especially, the Police Service in Ghana so that we can end social vices together and embrace virtue.” He echoed.

“We can never overemphasize the critical involvement of traditional leaders in all our rural development work as well as in all the challenges of rebuilding our societies. This nation-building would include participation by traditional leaders in the revival and promotion of our diverse and rich, yet often marginalized languages”Together with Governments and Political Leaders, Anamase Alliance Council will work to promote a society that highlights caring and social progress, a society that prevents and fights social ills, and a society that respects human dignity and promotes respect for each and every person regardless of their status in life.” The Anamase Royal Alliance Council creates international opportunities for the people of the Anamase, Birim South District of the Republic of Ghana, and beyond, and builds trust between them worldwide. He assures that “working in over 30 countries around the world, they do this by Developing a wider knowledge of the Anamase Kingdom and its Traditional rites Improving cultural and Traditional understanding, relationships, and co-operation between the Anamase Royal Kingdom and countries around the world, Changing lives in Ghana and around the globe through access to Anamase Rich Natural resources, skills, qualifications, culture, and society, and Attracting people who matter to our future to engage with the Anamase Royal vibrant cultural, Traditional rites, performances, arts scene, education opportunities, diverse, modern and open society.”

“The Ga Abola Piam Royal Council of Ga State and Anamase Royal Alliance Council manage a range of activities that sit within four strategic business units (SBUs): Local Infrastructure Development, Investor relations and Investment, Education, and Society. We work and develop, provide educational opportunities, build the capacity of educators, give voice to young people, strengthen links between Traditional and local governments, Traditional and Regional Chieftaincy, and develop Business and cultural understanding through leadership training and education through our diplomatic Royal office in United States of America and Indian Through the Council of International Chambers of Commerce. We are committed to a brighter future for the Anamase Community and the Entire Eastern Region through working with Our Americans, Indians, and the diaspora” he lamented.

According to him, this is in recognition of the close cultural, social, and economic links that tie the populations of the two countries and their Diasporas in Ghana together.

The Royal House is well in discharging its responsibilities. He declared the official opening of the House of Traditional Leaders and Anamase Royal Alliance Council.

In his remarks, Hon Hopeson Adoye reiterated to the fact that there should be coexistence to bring development to their community.

He said “if two are fighting who give the development or royalty to if we are in the shoes of government. There is a need to report criminal’s within your vicinities to help clamp down the crime rate at every corner.” Adorye.


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