Home NEWS Chairman Wontumi Has More Political Power In Ashanti Region than Otumfuo –...

Chairman Wontumi Has More Political Power In Ashanti Region than Otumfuo – Maurice Ampaw

Chairman Wontumi’s lawyer and presenter on his television channel Movement TV, Maurice Ampaw, has caused a massive stir.

Ampaw, one of the most loudmouth personalities in Ghana, claimed on his show that Otumfuo has no political power in the Ashanti Region and that Chairman Wontumi has all the political power.

He said Wontumi has a political kingdom whilst Otumfuo does not!

His claim comes as there has been a tussle between Wontumi and the Ashanti monarch.

Wontumi apparently bragged that the Ashanti Region is his domain and that angered some Ashanti chiefs who summoned him to appear before the Otumfuo but Wontumi has resisted the summon so far.

It was in that context that Ampaw waded into the fray and said his employer has more power in the region than the Otumfuo.


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