Home AFRICA Coronavirus: Kenyans sign petition to stop flights from China

    Coronavirus: Kenyans sign petition to stop flights from China

    Two online petitions have been created asking the Kenyan government to suspend direct flights from China over coronavirus fears.

    Thousands have signed the petitions within hours as criticism grows after the government allowed a China Southern Airlines flight into the country on Wednesday and asked passengers to self-isolate.

    Capital FM news quoted the government as saying it would be discriminatory to ban flights from China as many other countries had been hit by coronavirus.

    One of the people who started the petition, Ahmed Papa, says Kenya is not prepared to handle a coronavirus outbreak and so it should prevent all cases.

    “We’re simply not ready to fight the scourge. Not economically and certainly not technologically,” he wrote.

    Mr Papa has addressed his petition to the ministries of health and security, and the Kenya Airports Authority.



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