The “Wanderer’s Poems” is an anthology of twenty-Five Poems that relate to the changing scenes of my life, my deepest convictions which had been sharpened by my life experiences and thoughts.

Whilst growing up, I have reflected on the exploitation of our rich natural resources by foreign interests and our history of foreign domination from slavery to colonization and our grim poverty despite our abundant natural wealth.
I have used poetry to tell my personal stories of love, doubts, disappointments and my worry about the misuse of religion as a tool for domination and control by deceitful people who are bastardizing the essence of Christianity for private gains.
Poems have the power to carry enormous wisdom squeezed into the brevity of words which could be appreciated by a few people with poetic appreciation skills.

My aim is to remove the myth around poetry and make it accessible to many people and to use it to tell an everyday life stories.
The commentaries and the illustrations in the book are meant to make the reader enjoy the poems and to appreciate the stories behind them.
Enjoy the Wanderer’s Poems on random topics.

Copies of the book are available at the Legon Bookshop and BOOK NOOK.
Contact direct Deliveries 0242068225


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