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Ghana earns $378 million from raw cashew nuts exports

Ghana earned $378 million from the sale of 110 tonnes of raw cashew nuts in 2018. The amount represented 43 per cent of the total...

Akufo-Addo named ‘Champion of African Union Financial Institutions’

The African Union (AU) has appointed President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as “Champion of the African Union Financial Institutions.” The creation of African Union Financial...

Bawumia on why gov’t is converting National ID numbers to tax...

Ghana’s tax identification numbers (TINs) are set to rise by eight folds by the end of year 2020 following plans by the government to...

World Bank cautions Ghana over rising public debt

The World Bank has cautioned Ghana against piling its external debt and exceeding the sustainability threshold. According to the bank, Ghana is currently rated as...

Borrowing is important to transform Ghana’s economy – Finance Minister

Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta says that Ghana’s borrowing habit is not detrimental to the economy but rather a necessity if the country wants to...

GRA to introduce informant system to arrest tax evaders

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) is set to roll out an "informant award scheme" to reward people who will provide information leading to the...

Investors ‘fall over each other’ for Ghana bonds

Ghana on Tuesday, February 4 started receiving bids from investors all over the world for a three-tranche Eurobond sale that is expected to raise a...

Govt raises $3bn to finance budget as Eurobond is five times...

Ghana’s seventh Eurobond sale ended yesterday, after attracting bids from international investors that were five times more than the amount the country asked for,...

Insurance companies lose GH¢390m to fraudsters

Insurance companies in the country are losing approximately GH¢390 million of gross revenue annually to fraudsters that issue fake insurance stickers to unsuspecting vehicle...

Meda-Feats Project Supports Shea Processors

The Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA), an international economic development organization based in Canada whose mission is to create business solutions to poverty, has...