The founder and leader of The Holy Universal Mission church at Sokoban, near Kumasi, Prophet Gabriel Ntim, is calling on Ghanaians of all political, religious, and tribal affiliations to unite to save Ghana from Satanic practices such as same-sex relationships which has become a canker to deal with now.

According to him “evil practices such as same-sex relationships, adultery, and sexual intercourses at unapproved places such as cemeteries and in the bushes were unknown to us”.

He said the Ghanaian and African cultures as well as the religious teachings of Christianity and Islam speak against these practices.

Prophet Ntim said it is about time religious, political, and traditional leaders took a common stand against same-sex relationship that is gradually becoming common in Ghanaian societies.

He is of the view that the fact that the United States and other wealthy countries have accepted same-sex relationship should not mean that Ghana should also accept it, or that this country should not be compelled to accept it.

He said there is a huge responsibility on pastors to teach their congregations about the dangers of falling to same-sex relationship, which is demonic and against the ways of God.

He quoted extensively from the Holy Bible to buttress the point that same-sex relationships cannot be allowed to take root in Ghana. He particularly quoted Genesis 19:5, Leviticus 18:13-22, Romans 1”26, and I Corinthians 6:9 to prove his point.

Highly concerned about the canker of same-sex relationships, Prophet Ntim and his congregants at the Holy Universal Mission held an all-night prayer service at the end of last month to seek God’s guidance for the nation.

The all-night prayer service, which was under the theme “God change our destiny”, was to also pray for the citizens of this country to change from their ways which does not please the Lord.

Prophet Ntim was impressed that past political leaders of this country have not yielded to pressure from the international lesbians, gays and bi-sexual (LGBS) lobby to accept what is clearly against the ways of God and Ghanaian culture.

He advised President John Mahama not to give in to the pressure of the gay and lesbian community. “Ghana can survive without their loans” he added.

He encouraged his colleague pastors not to be influenced by money and other material considerations from advanced countries so as to keep mute on the issue of lesbianism and gaysm in Ghana.

He concluded by urging Ghanaians to change their negative attitudes and stay focused and contribute to the development of the nation since Ghana is bigger than any political party or tribe.



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