Ghanaian actress Vicky Zugah who had an accident few days back says a prophet prophesied the accident days before it happened but she did not take it serious. The actress who has been discharged from the Lapaz Community Hospital said the accident could have been stopped but her negligence made it happen.

“I was cautioned. A pastor visited my church and he mentioned my name saying a light skin Vick in my church is going to be involved in an accident this week so she should be careful. So the whole church prayed for me but I thought it was one of those things because most of the times I hear stuffs like that”, Vicky Zugah told Hitz FM.

She continued that she did not take key interest in the prophesy because some prophets had been calling to give her false prophesy.

The actress who said she is recovering further preached Ghanaians to be “serious about our spiritual stuffs. Even if you don’t believe in God, whatever you believe in, if you are told something just pray over it or seek direction from God”

Vicky Zugah involved in the accident on the GIMPA road on Tuesday July 15 2015 around 2am when a KIA truck carrying a kiosk veered into her lane and hit her car.


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