The member of Parliament for Upper west Akyem Constituency Hon Derrick Ohene Bekoe Asifo on Friday the 14th of july,2017 provided daily bread for about thirty one youth in a town called Asikasu in the upper west Akyem Constituency.

This Great occasion coincidentally met the Ohum festival which is celebrated to mark the time for yam harvesting. The chief of asikasu Barima Konadu Yiadom expressed his gratitude to Hon Derrick Bekoe for taking the stress the youth of the go through in to his heart
Hon Derrick Bekoe A.k.a The grass root man who was the district chief executive officer in the NDC era urged the youth to take what they are going to take very serious

The beneficiaries were thirty one including one male among thirty female, nine of them are going to learn hair dressing whilst twenty two including the male are also going to learn to seamstress and tailoring as well

The grass root man Hon Derrick Ohene Bekoe Asifu provided all of them with sewing machines and hair dryers as well and promised to expand the shops where they are going to learn their jobs for them
This project has a theme called Empowering the youth to acquire skills for life.

Twenty five thousand Ghana cedis was the amount spent to make this opportunity came into reality

Thus amount was from his own coffers as the MP’s has been released to them.

In his final words Hon Bekoe said gradually I am fulfilling the dreams that I have for my Constituency.

Barima Konadu Yiadom Chief of asikasu urged the government to remember the people of asikasu in his one district, one factory project,the nature of their road networks, the schools do that the youth of asikasu will all have access for jobs

As tradition demands the ohum festival was celebrated in a grand style by the member of Parliament Hon Derrick Ohene Bekoe Asifu, the chief and the peoples of asikasu.

Source: Dickson Boadi// / Ghana

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