Home POLITICS Mark my words, I won’t let Ghanaians down when elected – Mahama

Mark my words, I won’t let Ghanaians down when elected – Mahama

The flagbearer of National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has assured that the next NDC government will not disappoint Ghanaians.

According to him, the inputs of Ghanaians about how governments should run the country has been expressed through the party’s “speak-out sessions” across the country which will guide the next NDC government for an inclusive government for all.

Mr. Mahama made the remark in Bolgatanga on Monday, March 9, 2020, during one of the speak-out sessions in the Upper East Region.

The event brought key stakeholders from all facet of life to express their concerns and propose alternatives to the challenges confronting them.

“It is my personal commitment to everyone here today that the next NDC government will not let you down.  As I have said, your thoughts, ideas and insights will be carefully considered and included in our manifesto processes and policies and programmes that we will implement when we come into government in 2021.”

“I promise you, I will also use my many years of experience and learning to work and I will use a renewed determination and sense of purpose to serve all Ghanaians to the best of my ability without exception,” Mahama assured.

Mr. Mahama stated that there was an urgent need for him return to government 2021 to help save Ghanaians from the predicaments of the NPP government.

“People ask me why I am running for office again after having served as president of Ghana. Perhaps your experience today answers that question. But let me answer that question, Ghana is in urgent need of a government that knows how to listen and is prepared to listen in order to serve and that is exactly what I promise you.”

“We cannot afford to have a government that continues to ignore the needs of the majority, the power is entirely in your hands and I urge you to think deeply about what you see here today,” the NDC flagbearer added.

Mr. Mahama outlined key issues raised by participants that require urgent attention to include insecurity, corruption, free SHS and double track, agriculture, health and many others.

“And for me, it re-confirms that, the people of Ghana know best and that the job of us politicians and leaders is to ensure that the will of the people is done.”

The non-partisan speak-out session in the Upper East Region was to give a voice to ordinary Ghanaians to contribute to the NDC manifesto for better prioritization of the needs of the citizenry, the party had explained.

The forum was attended by traditional rulers, queen mothers, journalists, traders, public and civil servants among others.

Also in attendance were NDC National Chairman, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, National Organizer, Josuah Akamba, Former Chief of staff, Julius Debra, Deputy National Women’s Organizer, Abigail Mensah, MPs and other party executives.



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