Home NEWS Madina Market Women Praise Madina Mp And Pronounce Him The Best Mp...

Madina Market Women Praise Madina Mp And Pronounce Him The Best Mp For Madina So Far

Madina Market started as a small market center focused around the area close to the small community called Atima formerly refereed to as Aklowa by natives. The market has now grown to occupy thousands of businesses and is the center of trade for many suburbs of Ga East and West.

The market center has great influence on trade and economic development of the Madina Constituency and is recognized by the MP for Madina Constituency, Hon. Francis-Xavier Sosu as a strong pillar of the community as he rightly stated in 2020 during Campaign visits when he visited the market to interact with the business community.

True to His word, the MP has frequented the market many times after being elected leader to continue interaction with his constituents in this community. The first of these visits was his major thanksgiving visit after elections where he showed appreciation to all.

Following that, the MP through his health outreach, SOSU HEATLTH OUTREACH, has organized free Breast Cancer Screening exercises over 2 consecutive years impacting over 1,500 market women. Though in opposition the MP is resourceful in implementing community development projects through efficient partnerships (SDG 17).

Speaking to Auntie Adiza Mohammed, a business woman in the Madina Market for 11 years, she stated: “In all my years here, I have not seen an MP who loves his people like Sosu! As for me and my women we are going to continue supporting him and we believe that Insha Allah when Mahama comes, together He and Mahama will change the face of Madina!”

Further interacting with more Market women, it was noticed that they were highly aware of some of the MP’s Private Member Bills and praised him for the Private Member bill to reduce tax on sanitary pads. They also requested for more promotion on the private member bills in local languages so that more people in the market will be educated on them.


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