King Oyanka Writes; The Power Selfish Corrupt African Leaders Took from the People is returning Back to the people

You call it a coup? No, I call it Liberation, there is a so-called coup and the people and masses are Jubilating and happy about it, The Power they took from the people is returning to the people. King Oyanka, Chairman of World Human Rights Council for West Africa,  CICC Founder for West Africa Noted. The roots of Africa are shaken and in despair by Corrupt Leaders.

Joseph Borrel,  A High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell delivers a speech during a ceremony opening Europen Union’s Partnership Mission in Chisinau, Moldova, May 31, A group of senior Gabonese military officers appeared on national television in the early hours of Wednesday and said they had taken power after the state election body announced President Ali Bongo had won a third term.

Mr. Joseph Borrel stated “If this is confirmed, it is another military coup which increases instability in the whole region,” said Borrell, speaking at a meeting of EU defense ministers in Toledo.

“The whole area, starting with Central African Republic, then Mali, then Burkina Faso, now Niger, maybe Gabon, it’s in a very difficult situation and certainly the ministers … have to have a deep thought on what is going on there and how we can improve our policy in respect with these countries,” he said.

TOLEDO, Spain, Aug 30 (Reuters) – European Union defense ministers are to discuss the situation in Gabon, foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Wednesday, adding that a coup if confirmed, would heap more instability on the region.

A group of senior Gabonese military officers appeared on national television in the early hours of Wednesday and said they had taken power after the state election body announced President Ali Bongo had won a third term.

“If this is confirmed, it is another military coup which increases instability in the whole region,” said Borrell, speaking at a meeting of EU defense ministers in Toledo.

The whole African continent starting with the Central African Republic, then Mali, then Burkina Faso, now Niger, maybe Gabon, it’s in a very difficult situation and certainly the ministers have to get a deep thought on what is going on there and how we can improve our policy in respect with these countries because this is a big issue for Europe.

As a native of the Ga Tunma Royal Dynasty of Ga State in Ghana and a royale descendant of the Amazons Royal Warriors of Benin Kingdom in West Africa, I disagree with what Mr Joseph  Borrel says. Europe Is Rather a Big Problem for Africa and its  Development.

When these so-called political leaders for their selfish greedy interest over stays In power,  change the constitution to suit their selfish greedy desires, and put friends and families into positions they aren’t qualified for, who suffers the quesiquencies? 

When there is the stealing of elections and even innocent people lose their lives, what do the ECOWAS, African Union, United Nations, and European Union Defence others, what do they do about it?

Or do they wait until the masses get fed up and the situation escalates and decide to liberate themselves and not be taken for fools again?


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