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I’d love to see Ghana consumed by chaos like Syria, Afghanistan – Allotey Jacobs

A cadre in the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Bernard Allotey Jacobs, has wished doom for Ghana in the coming years positing that he would like to see the country in the state like Syria.

The former NDC’s Central Regional Chairman emphatically stated that the country will only learn lessons if a catastrophe befalls it like it is happening in Syria and Afghanistan.

His comment was in a response to a question posed by the host on the significance of the NDC’s recent ‘Yenpene’ demonstration which sought to impress upon the Electoral Commission of Ghana to rescind on its decision to compile a new voters’ register.

“I want to be paradoxical in my introduction. Just as they are saying from all angles the possible consequences if the EC goes ahead to compile the new voters’ register, I would want to see Ghana in chaos, Ghana being consumed in anarchy, Ghana like Syria then maybe we would learn a lesson.” He wished.

He continued that although he cannot ascertain the relevance of his party’s demonstration and the impact it will make in changing the EC’s decision, he thinks it is good for the country’s democracy.

He again admonished politicians in the country to stop taking the citizens for granted.

“I mean I would advocate that if the country plunges into crisis, no politician should be spared. If they flee, their families are there. We know them,” he stated.

The Electoral Commission of Ghana has set April 18, 2020, to compile a new voters’ register ahead of the 2020 December elections.

The decision has met fierce opposition from government critics, opposition political parties and some civil societies.

The EC remains adamant on the decision and is hopeful that it will complete the exercise by May 30, 2020.

Source: mynewsgh.com


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