An emergency meeting has been held at the Ghana mission in the Chinese capital,Beijing on thursday to discuss issues regarding the health conditon of Bismark Biney,a final year aeronautical engineering student of Shengyang aerospace university who has been diagnosed of an acute hypertensive intra cerebral hemorrhage.

The meeting which was at the instance of the Ghana mission was called, upon the reciept of a situational report presented by a delegation that was sent by the Ghana mission to the medical facility where Bismarck Biney has been on a life support machine at the intensive care unit(ICU),earlier in the week to assess the situation.

Touching on the report,Ghana’s ambassador to China,H. E. Mr. Anani Okuminyi Demuyakor revealed that upon detailed delibrations with the family back home in Ghana and some medical experts,the mission has rescinded the decision to fly Bismark Biney to Ghana.To this end,”Bismark will continue his treatment at the Chinese medical facility for a minimum of four weeks after which the counsel of a team of medical experts will be sought to decide on the next line of action”he said.

On his part,the spokesman for ”Team Save Bismark Biney” Mr Kwabena Asamoah indicated that the cost of medical care has exceeded the health insurance package and therefore an initial deposit of 89,956.00RMB ($14,148.99) of donations recieved has been made at the hospital.According to the medical officers,’the deposit of 89,956.00RMB ($14,148.99) will only cover the cost of medical care for ten(10) to twelve(12) days’ Mr Kwabena Asamoah revealed at the meeting.He therefore appealed to the Ghana mission to intervene financially.

In addition,he indicated that Bismark is currently responding to treatment and is able to breathe on his own without a life support,very conscious of his surroundings and now sensitve to touch,sight and speech.Although,he is still confined to the intensive care unit (ICU),the doctors have expressed delight at the rate of his recovery process.

The officer in charge of consular affairs and education, Mr Odame called for an effective and a more structured medium for the collection of donations.He also stressed the need for accurate and constant updates on the condition of Bismark Biney to prevent distortion of information.

A representative of the family however expressed his heartfelt and utmost gratitude to individuals,groups and the media for their efforts at canvasing for support to cater for the cost of medical care of Bismark.He also used the opportunity to call for further donations from the general public.

Also present at the meeting were H. E. Ambassador Mr. Anani Okuminyi Demuyakor,Deputy Ambassador Hon. Horace Nii Ayi Ankrah,Mr Odame in charge of Education,National NUGS President(China) and Mr Jerome (NUGS) President,Shengyang.

From:Ghana Peoples; Organisation-GPO.


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