The deputy communications officer of the ndc in bortianor ngleshie amanfro,Hon Mortey Edward has added his voice to the brouhaha concerning the Ghana card registration. “am very much disappointed at leadership the way it has received so little attention with no constructive criticism” he stated clearly he will be looking at two areas the legality and the cost structure, the national identity registration has a legal backing with is the , legislative instrument, LI 1211 which states that the pre requisite for the Ghana card is the birth certificate, passport and any other, but today what we hear is the birth certificate and the passport, and with a tactics that any one with Ghana card can vouge for another. My very big question is how many Ghanaians have passport, you need to first have a birth certificate before you have access to passport, a classical example take my village Avee Gbogame in the Ho Central municipality how many men and women have birth certificates and passport, and out of a thousand only ten(10) will have them, with all due respect what is the government doing with the remaining part of the LI which is any other ie the voters id which I believe was used in electing Nana Addo as president why is it not valid now for the Ghana card registration ” I don’t want to believe invalid voters voted him into office” finally on the cost structure I believe we are going to receive gold plated cards because if for Christ sake are going to use $1.2 billion for a card whiles we had proposals for same card for $50million and $155million, I personally see this as broad day robbery and licking of state coffers,” Nana Addo and his npp are indeed protecting the public purse” in his view he thinks the Ghana card registration should be boycotted by all, reasons being that it is not giving ordinary and the whole populace opportunity to have access to the cards, it is draining our coffers soo much that it could equally be used urgently to acquire ambulances for the ailing health centres, waste of tax payers money and we will not sit aloof for the government led by the npp take us for a ride.”the NIA and Prof should have known better, he should go to parliament and call for an amendment of the LI that way he will be making some sense to us” Hon Mortey also used the opportunity to call on all civil society /governance watch groups such as Imani Africa, CDG Gh, CDD and media etc to also add their voice on the matter to properly consolidate our democracy.We can not afford to fail the peace loving Ghanaians and the masses .
Source: Dickson Boadi // / Ghana
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