Home NEWS Your girlfriend is not your responsibility; never pay her rent – Counsellor...

Your girlfriend is not your responsibility; never pay her rent – Counsellor Adofoli warns GH men

Given the current economic climate, it’s difficult to understand the difficulties associated with catering and supplying the demands of a girlfriend who could be looking for money.

According to Frank Edem Adofoli, a well-known Ghanaian counselor, there is no man’s obligation to provide for his girlfriend in any way.

In addition, boyfriends have been warned not to expect sexual pleasures from their partners in response to this.

“A girlfriend is not your responsibility. If she can’t be responsible for her needs, it is a clear sign she is not ready for marriage. Stop demanding sex from her too,” Counsellor Adofoli stated in a Facebook post.

He again called on men not to be under any form of pressure to pay the rent of their girlfriends once they are not married.

He explained that so far as she remains ‘just a girlfriend’, you are not obligated to play that role.

“You don’t have the means to rent your own but you’ve gone for a loan just to rent for your girlfriend. You claim she is your wife-to-be. No Sir, she is just a girlfriend, someone’s wife in the making. #Stopfooling,” he charged.


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