Home SHOWBIZ Scratch my back, I scratch yours — Captain Planet

Scratch my back, I scratch yours — Captain Planet

HIPLIFE artiste Captain Planet says until he can establish that you are genuinely in need or a fan who supports his works, he is done with lending a hand to people who come asking for his support.

This is because he has realised that while some of the people who have come to seek his assistance are not really needy but are just taking advantage of the COVID-19 situation to be greedy.

Others too have never supported his works, hence the reason he took to social media on Monday, May 4 to warn such so called fans of his to desist from sending him SOS messages.

According to Captain Planet who is a member of Hiplife group 4X4, his policy now is ‘scratch my back and I scratch yours;’ I will support only those who support me’.

Talking to Graphic Showbiz in an interview on Tuesday, May 5, the Obi Girl singer said: “I realised some of the people had artistes they were promoting on their various social media platforms.

“I found out when I went through about 30 posts and to my surprise, they were busily promoting works of other artistes. I didn’t exist on their pages.

“So it is simple. If you are in need, go to the artiste you promote for support. If you do not support me, how do you expect me to sell my works, make money and give you some? You are not adding any value to my career so I will not support you. Period”, Captain Planet said.

He added that he had realised that some fans he helped were not really people who needed the funds.

“I was giving people money and all especially since the COVID-19 breakout and especially during the lockdown but I realised that some requests were not genuine.

“For instance, there are some that I help out and the next minute they create another social media account asking for money from me again and to me that is just being greedy and taking advantage of the COVID-19 situation. This makes it difficult to help the real needy ones,” Captain Planet stated.

Asked how he gets to know such accounts are created by the same people, he explained: “What I do is that when you send me a request for help, I click on your post and go to your page.

“And from their posts, it is easy to see that whoever created that account did it for the gains and I won’t tolerate that again,” he said.

Asked if he wasn’t bothered a decision like that would make him look bad in the eyes of some of his fans, Captain Planet quickly retorted “I don’t care. Anyone who has issues with this decision of mine is not a real fan.

“Do such people have any idea about the effect of some of these things they do? It makes it difficult for us to help genuine people who really need help; they block the chances of these people and it is so not fair.”

He shot down a suggestion to screenshot people he helps on social media so they cannot come back asking again, saying: “I don’t believe in that. I am not the type who wants the world to know what I do for others.

“I would feel bad if anyone helped my mother and captured everything on camera and shared it with the rest of the world. I won’t be happy, so I feel others will also not like it too,” he explained.

Throwing light on his latest song Kpoli Kpoli and how he came by the title, Captain Planet said: “I always want to be creative, do things that will bring fun to people.

“I got the name from a movie I watched while on a flight during one of my travels. I fell in love with the movie and decided to call my song Kpoli Kpoli”, Captain Planet added.



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