Some youth in the Northern Region, noted for engaging in cyber fraud known in Ghana as “sakawa”, have allegedly bribed a prominent chief of the area to rename his town with a foreign name.

“They are proposing two names for the area, Galaxy City or La Palmas,” Northern Regional Minister Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna has said.

Even though the Minister would not name the chief involved, he said the chief initially rejected the suggestions and drove the “sakawa” boys out of his palace.
However, the determined boys, who said the name of the town “was not palatable”, decided to work through the chief’s advisors (elders).

Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna said the boys bribed the elders with ₵1,000. They in turn led the boys to the chief, whom they offered a ₵4,000 bounty.

Apparently having the backing of the traditional leaders, these boys went to town misbehaving, splashing monies on the streets and daring anyone to come after them.
Meanwhile, the Northern Regional Security Council (REGSEC) says it will crack down on these cyber criminals and traditional authorities who are supporting them.

The REGSEC has also resolved to wage a relentless fight against the increasing spate of indiscipline among the youth, especially “sakawa” boys within the Tamale metropolis.

Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna has also asked opinion leaders to refrain from interfering in the affairs of the police.
In a related development, police have begun investigations into what residents describe as a gun battle that ensued when a group of unidentified “sakawa” boys launched an attack on a rival group to celebrate the installation of their leader, Naa-Tia Shiraz Salifu as a chief by the Royal Regent of Dagbon.

Northern regional police spokesperson ASP Ebenezer Tetteh said what happened would be treated “purely as a criminal action”.

He called on residents to assist the police with information that would lead to the arrest of the marauding gangs.


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