Two young men, Daniel Amoah and Yaw Danso, who robbed and bathed Kate Aidoo, a 23- year-old mobile money vendor with acid at Gomoa Fetteh in the Gomoa East District of the Central region, have been jailed 20 years each by the Ofankor Circuit Court.

The court, presided over by His Lordship Ebenezer Osei Darko, on Thursday charged the two suspects on accounts of conspiracy to commit crime to wit robbery and robbery. They were sentenced to 20 years on each count. The sentence is to run concurrently.

The two young men are expected to serve their jail term at the Nsawam Prisons with hard labour.

The two committed the act on March 25, 2019 around 11:30am when they went to withdraw GH¢ 10.00 from Kate Aidoo’s mobile money shop.

acide woman
The victim

While the victim was serving them, one of the accused, master Danso removed a container filled with concentrated acid and poured it on her.

The victim, who sustained severe burns on her face and breast, shouted for help after the accused persons attempted to bolt with an unidentified sum of money. The two were given a hot chase by the residents who apprehended the robbers and handed them over to the police.




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