Actress Nana Ama McBrown married her longtime boyfriend, Maxwell Mensah at a private ceremony over the weekend in Accra.

Nana Ama had earlier revealed that she would want a private wedding.

Unfortunately, photos were banned at the ceremony with notices “NO PHOTOS”.

She said her preference for a private marriage is not due to her inability to afford a big wedding but just a matter of choice and plans to officially release photos in three months’ time, according to reports.

“Being the kind of person I am, I will need a venue as big as the Accra Sports Stadium if I really want a big wedding but mine is going to be pretty much just family. That’s what we’ve decided to do,” she earlier stated.

Nana Ama McBrown Nana Ama McBrown1 Nana Ama McBrown2 Nana-Ama-McBrown-and-Maxwell NanaAmawedding

By: Dan Kwasi Prince//

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