Parliament has approved an export agreement between Ghana and the Unicredit Bank of Austria for 13.5 million Euros to finance the construction and equipping of five polyclinics in the Greater Accra Region.

The Polyclinics are to be sited in Ashaiman, Adentan, Bortianor, Oduman and Sege communities.

Each community would be provided with a 30-bed polyclinic with outpatient services, Diagnostic/Treatment Service, Medical and non-medical support services.

The amount would also cover personnel and training, as well as the installation of medical equipment.

The terms of the agreement cover a grace period of four years, a repayment period of 17 years and maturity at 21 years.

The loan attracts no interest but has a commitment fee of 0.25 per cent per annum.

There is also a grant element of 37.08 per cent.

A report of the Finance Committee of Parliament on the agreement says the objectives for carrying out the project under the loan agreement are to provide access to quality health care to the people of the proposed sites; to supply and install equipment after completion of civil works, and to provide training for the medical staff and technicians to operate the facilities efficiently upon completion.

The Committee, in a background information on the agreement, stated the need to improve further the health situation of Ghanaians since independence.

It said in the last 10 years, there had been some improvement in clinical services and the coverage of Reproductive Health Services, with some stabilisation   in the status of Maternal Health, Child, Nutrition, and others.

However, it said non-communicable diseases, including road traffic accidents, were becoming the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the country.

“The health sector has made some progress in meeting client expectations and promoting effective clinical services delivery,” it said.

In line with the set objectives of the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda, the broad objectives in the health sector are to bridge equity gaps in access to health care and nutrition services and to ensure sustainable financing arrangements that protect the poor.

“…The construction of the five polyclinics will, therefore, strengthen key interventions aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” the Committee said.

The SDGs enjoins the country to achieve universal health coverage, financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care services, and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all,” the Committee said.

By: Graphic Online


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