The pace setters of Ghana’s democracy National Democratic Congress has reach another Milestone by introducing electronic payment system facilitate payments of dues from their members .

The remarkable event was addressed by Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia, General Secretary of the party, in his remarks he said the system will help them to mobilise funds to support the party in their day to day activities.
Mr. Aseidu Nketiah said the system will help improve the payment of dues by every member of the party and also improve accountability.

According to him, every member of the party will have an opportunity of contributing their quota towards the development of the party without difficulty.

“You cannot be in this party without contributing your quota so that no member gives an excuse as to why he or she has failed to do that” He added.

He maintained among other things that the new payment platform will also help minimise internal internal conflict that sometimes characterises the payment of dues by members .

He noted ” It will help the party know a member in good standing which hitherto was sometimes subject to debate”

He further indicated it will also improve transparency among the leadership and members of the party in the way money provided to the party is received and used by the party espercially how members of the party at the various branches across the country people are the various party branches across the regions, constituencies are contributing towards the development of the party.

He further emphasised that the electronic payment system will also help the party plan for the next elections particularly ‘in recent times where the cost of seeking political office is becoming too high, so it is an innovative of raising money to support the party which will also in a way help the party plan for the next elections’ he said

The chairman of the party, Mr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo on his part said even though the new payment system is reliable he cannot discount any difficulties line. He said ‘challenges if there are any will be addressed accordingly’.

The party will embark on a training programme for the executives of the party across the 16 regions to understand the payment system.


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