The controversial marriage counselor, George Lutterodt has once again spoken nonsense. This time the counselor says, men should thank their partners whenever they prepare their favorite meal with their menses.

Counselor Lutterodt made this submission on the back of some shocking confessions made by an unidentified woman on social media who disclosed how she laced her husband’s meal with he menses.

Sharing his thought on the subject with Counselor Lutterodt on TV Africa’s morning show, Mr Luttrodt dropped his trademark gibberish, when he said the woman did nothing wrong for using her menstrual blood to prepare fufu and palm nut soup for her husband because men are already licking worse things than menstrual blood.

According to him, men suck vejayjays which are filled with contaminated fluids worse than menstrual blood, adding that one of his male friend confided in him that he once licked a lady who smelled like a spoilt boiled egg but he had to continue just to satisfy the lady se’xually.

He concluded that it is even better to enjoy the menstrual blood when it’s been used to prepare food than to lick it raw from the vag*na.

Source: Dan Kwasi Prince// / Ghana

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