The British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, has featured Ghanaian Kumawood actress, Maame Serwaa on its new documentary which focuses on the Ghanaian local movie industry.

The documentary was filmed somewhere in April 2018 and it was basically to throw light on the local movie industry in Kumasi which is popularly known as Kumawood and the young actress.

The full documentary which will soon be screened has Maame Serwaa talking about how she started her journey in the movie industry. According to the teen actress, her mother inspired her a lot and her advice has been part of her ever since.

She also revealed that her mum took her to a movie scene as at the age of 6 where she was made to stand in for a young actress who did not show up for her role that day. She added that the rest of the story is what is seen of her currently as one of the finest actresses in the country.

The Knutsford University College ambassador also told the BBC News crew about her desires to go international in the near future.

Check out the snippet of the full interview below:

Source: Dan Kwasi Prince // / Ghana

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