In Ghana, Christmas season runs from December 20th to the first week in January. This coincides with the end of the cocoa harvest, the most prosperous time of the year, which contributes to the festive atmosphere.

Mr. Kwame Kyei Peprah CEO of  K.K peprah group of companies has asked Ghanaians to together work towards creating a free and prosperous society of opportunities, where every Ghanaian child, no matter the circumstances of their birth, has a fair chance to strive for a happy and dignified life.

In a Christmas message to Ghanaians, Kyei Peprah said he continues to be a passionate believer in Ghana’s potential, and will remain confident that, despite the present economic difficulties, Ghanaians will rise up and revive the fortunes of our country.

In an interview with Daily View Gh’s Dickson Boadi, he said 2016 has been a very difficult year for Ghanaians, amidst the numerous problems. He said however, that the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, must give Ghanaians a hope of a brighter tomorrow.

“My wife, daughters, and I extend our warmest wishes to all Ghanaians and friends and our cherish customers of Ghana and across the world for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.” he said.

We must work towards creating a free and prosperous society of opportunities, where every Ghanaian child, no matter the circumstances of their birth, has a fair chance to strive for a happy and dignified life, and where we can unleash the enterprise of our people so that we can build a progressive, prosperous Ghana whose citizens live in harmony and security.

As Christmas fills our hearts with gratitude, let us not forget our responsibility towards one another. Let us all celebrate the season safely and responsibly, and remember to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him.”

God bless you all. God bless Ghana. God bless Mother Africa.

Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.


Source: Dickson Boadi // / Ghana

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