Beyonce has announced on Instagram that she and Jay Z are expecting twins. The singer posted a photo of her wearing a veil and kneeling in front of a floral wreath, which is definitely more elaborate than the traditional ultra-sound snap.

She says the couple are “incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two”.

They’ve been married for nearly a decade and already have one child, Blue Ivy Carter.

“We would like to share our love and happiness,” she says in the post, “we have been blessed two times over.

“We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes”.

It’s signed “The Carters” – her and Jay Z’s surname.

Rumours about a possible pregnancy started earlier this week, when fans thought they noticed a bump in a campaign video for her fashion line.


Source: Dan Kwasi Prince // / Ghana

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