Home NEWS International Defence Exhibition and Conference Held

International Defence Exhibition and Conference Held

Source: Ben LARYEA

The 2 day International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEC) 2022, themed “Strengthening International Collaboration to Combat Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crimes have been held at Burma Camp in Accra with the call on Africa’s military agencies to collectively work together to avert transnational organized crimes and terrorism on the African continent.

It was organized by GM events, Gulf Guinea Maritime Institute and hosted by Ghana Armed Forces with platinum sponsor from Elbit Systems with over 50 military exhibitions from across the world. The event was geared towards addressing the emerging threat of terrorism attacks, transnational crimes on the African continent and measures to put up place to address the security concerns and challenges.

The event created a platform for security experts, top hierarchy of Armed Forces, Navy, Air-force, law enforcement agencies and other players in the military space.

Topics discussed includes strengthening international collaboration to combat terrorism and transnational organized crime, terrorism strategies, understanding the Nexus between transnational organized crime and security, cost effective attack, helicopter upgrades and leveraging technology to improve security response.

Others were CDS Ghana’s Military efforts in curbing terrorism, Italian navy’s support to maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea, combating transnational organized crimes in relation to specific case of ICGLR, Response in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

President Nana Akufo – Addo in a speech read on his behalf said terrorism and transnational organized crimes have taken a center stage of the African continent hence effective and efficient measures be part in place to curb the emerging security challenges.

He said terrorism and organized crime are closely related and urged member states to collectively work together to keep track on criminal issues affecting the continent and however called on all security agencies to step up effort on e – surveillance and support informants to relate well with investigative bodies.

President Akufo – Addo urged security agencies to collaborate with each in the fight against money laundering and cross border crimes in the Sub – region and the world at large, adding that it requires all government to effectively work and network among each other on security issues.

The Minister of Defence, Dominic AB Nitiwul commended the organizers of the event saying it will enhance and strengthen global partnership to fight terrorism and organized crimes.

He expressed his gratitude to the level cooperation of security matters among member countries and describe the gesture as a move to win the war on terrorism and transnational organized crimes.

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Vice Admiral Seth Amoama called for multi sectoral approach to protect countries from attacks from organized crime and urged security agencies to exchange concepts and initiatives to help fight transnational organize crimes.


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