ACCRA, 29 March 2019 – The Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), LI Yong, and the Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, signed the Country Programme (CP) for Ghana, which will boost industrial development, trade and export competitiveness.

The CP, which is scheduled to be implemented from 2019-2022, will constitute the reference framework for UNIDO technical cooperation activities with Ghana. It is aligned with the national development agenda including the “Ghana Beyond Aid” agenda; the One District, One Factory initiative and focuses on high growth potential sectors to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, the CP will help build synergies and will help Ghana leverage additional investment by facilitating the mobilization of partners and resources to achieve larger development impact.

Furthermore, Director General LI Yong, Minister Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen and the EU Ambassador to Ghana, Diana Acconcia, signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen the export competitiveness of the Ghanaian economy through enhanced value-added, low carbon, sustainable production and processing.

The agreement will build on recent EU support towards competitiveness-related issues and will capitalize on lessons learnt as well as complement ongoing interventions in Ghana. The agreement is to be implemented under the West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACP) that aims at improving the performance and growth of selected value chains, including cassava, fruits (mango and pineapple) and cosmetics as well as personal care products. These sectors are in line with the priorities of the Ghanaian Government and have a high potential for industrialization and job creation.

The four-year programme will run from 2019 to 2022 and will help develop value chains, improve the competitiveness of micro- small- and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen the supporting intermediate organisations, create better linkages among the selected value chain actors, and increase access to regional and international markets.

For more information, please contact:

Fakhruddin Azizi

UNIDO Representative

UNIDO Ghana Country Office



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