Halifax Ansah Addo, Editor-in-Chief of The Publisher has always been a sycophant who rode on many celebrities to achieve his aim.
Being an experienced PR person, Halifax Ansah knows how well to play his cards. He knows exactly when to hold them, fold them, walk away and run from the table and that was just what he did to ‘poor’ Wisa Greid after an Accra Court slapped with him Ghc 8,400 fine or serve some jail term.
It was reported that Halifax paid the Ghc 8,400 court fine to prevent Wisa Greid from going to jail, a claim Wisa Greid and his management led by Desmond Blackmore (D-Black) bluntly refuted.
Interestingly, Halifax found a way to bring Zylofon Cash into the scene – Like seriously?
A school of thought should tell you that this Halifax guy used his experience in PR to do what he did just to promote his new job at Zylofon cash.
Halifax Ansah acted smartly in this case but sadly enough most Ghanaians seemed not to understand the whole PR thing, so they took turns to attack Wisa and his management for being ungrateful. Ungrateful?
Surprisingly, some clueless social media users even suggested that Halifax should go his money, like seriously?
Well, Halifax Ansah is just a hardcore Sycophant who just took advantage of ‘poor’ Wisa Greid to promote his new job at Zylofon Cash.
Source: Frederick Noamesi