Nzema Youth have come across a publication on on the 16th January, 2017 with the caption “Revoke Catherine Afeku’s nomination over fraud – Group demands” by a group called Truth And Accountable Governance(TAG).
In this article, the group are demanding for the withdrawal of Hon. Catherine Afeku from the ministerial position she has been offered.
Such unscrupulous Group is not known in the annals of Ghana since they are not registered under the Registrar General Department. They are an illegal body in the Nzema NDC with the aim of denting the image of the first female minister designate in Nzemaland.
Disregard any publication or petition from the Nzema-NDC’s so called Truth and Accountable Governance’s against Hon. Catherine Afeku, Minister designate for Tourism, Arts and Culture.
Such a petition is bogus and does not warrant public attention.
This petition by this Pro-NZEMA NDC diabolical group is only aimed to demerit Nzemas and through that prevent an Nzema from getting a ministerial position in this incorruptible President Nana Addo’s government.
It is a toothless Union. We are challenging them to show their faces rather than hiding behind social media to dent Hon. Afeku’s image. They can go to court to challenge her position if they truly believe she has done any wrong.
On records, it is not Parliament who decides cases of fraud but rather a court of competent jurisdiction.
Again, a fraudster has no right to represent a constituency of over 30,000 voters in Ghana, so the electoral commission’s acceptance of Hon. Afeku’s parliamentary nomination forms without any objections from her political opponents in the constituency and the general public clearly shows her credibility, innocence and a no wrong doing.
Hon. Afeku is the current parliamentarian of Evalue-Gwira constituency of the Western Region so therefore she has the right to the Article 78 (1) of the 1992 Constitution which states that; “Ministers of State shall be appointed by the President with the prior approval of Parliament from among members of Parliament or persons qualified to be elected as Members of Parliament, except that the majority of Ministers of State shall be appointed from among members of Parliament.”
We wants the so called TAG to answer the following questions
¡. Is Hon. Afeku a member of Parliament in Ghana?
¡¡.Does she enjoys Article 78(1) of 1992 constitution of Ghana?
¡¡¡. Does the constitution of Ghana allows fraudsters to be parliamentarians?
From the above-stated questions, we believe Parliament should not waste time to read any documents by such a coward and an ignorant group since parliamentarians and vetting committee chairman knows better than us.
We wants to use this opportunity to thank His Excellency Nana Addo for recognizing we, Nzemas in his government. We believe and pray that our Heavenly father will bless him and makes his governance successful.
As the saying goes ” Oliver twist, we ask for more” so we are pleading with his office to engage more Nzemas in his administration.
God bless Ghana
God bless Nzemaland
God bless Africa.
Peter Ackah