Decathlon a household name for sports equipments has finally open its first branch at the junction mall.

Speaking at the event the country manager for Decathlon Ghana Mr Kwesi Tabury expressed his gratitude and said that his outfit is here in Ghana to Change The sports equipments marketing in Ghana that’s why every products anyone will buy from them no matter how much the amount are with warranties. Mr Kwesi Tabury said you can compare our products here to the ones in the market and you see that there is wide difference between Decathlon and them.

Decathlon Ghana with its slogan sports for all, all for sports have thirty five sports products under one roof.

Our main goals we want to achieve is to have shops across the country so that we at the Decathlon Ghana will also have what we will called One Region One Shop. We will also establish factory in Ghana here so that we can engage in more youth as part of our cooperate social responsibility activities.

Mr Kwesi Tabury said Decathlon Ghana is here to make a big change and difference in the market.

In his final words he urged everyone to specialized In any of the sports federations

Source: Dickson Boadi // / Ghana

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