Legal practitioner Charles William Zwennes has been appointed new Chairman of the Board of HFC Bank Ghana.

His appointment by the Board of Directors of the Bank, a subsidiary of Republic Financial Holdings Limited, was announced Wednesday, April 26.

He replaces Professor Joshua Alabi, Board Chairman of the bank since April 2015, who resigned in April of this year.

“By virtue of Prof. Alabi’s resignation, The Board of Directors of the Bank, at a Board Meeting on 26th April 2017, in accordance with Bank’s Regulations appointed Mr. Charles William Zwennes as the Chairman of the Board. Mr. Zwennes is a successful lawyer in Private Practice and has been a member of the Board of HFC since April 2015. HFC Bank takes the opportunity to wish Mr. Charles William Zwennes a successful tenure,” a statement by the Bank affirmed.

The bank also expressed gratitude to Prof. Joshua Alabi, who was first appointed to the Board of HFC Bank in November, 2013 as a representative of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), for serving with distinction.


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