Three hooded members of the Tiger Eye PI were Wednesday subjected to intensive six-hour cross-examinations by counsel for some of the 14 lower court judges.

That was when Anas Aremeyaw Anas and two teammates appeared before the Disciplinary Committee of the Judicial Council.

The trio whose undercover investigations exposed deep corruption within the Judicial Service arrived on the Supreme Court premises at exactly 10.45 a.m. in a Toyota Tundra in the company of armed policemen.

Anas and his peers wore similar but different coloured face masks in long-hooded gowns.

When their vehicle pulled up in front of one of the twin two-storey buildings on the premises, the trio got down and climbed upstairs to face the committee.

Stalled sitting

Anas was initially expected to appear before the Disciplinary Committee on September 15, 2015 but the committee could not meet, since a member was absent.

The work of the committee was later halted when the 14 implicated judges filed an injunction at the Fast Track High Court to stop the disciplinary proceedings against them.

They sought a declaration to stop the Disciplinary Committee from conducting disciplinary proceedings against them.

They had argued that the committee’s establishment was contrary to the law and due process and that it had no legal basis to investigate them.

Resumed sitting

However, the five-member committee resumed its sitting yesterday, following the dismissal of the injunction application by the Fast Track High Court last Tuesday.

The court, presided over by Mrs Theodora Torkornoo, dismissed the application on the grounds that it was “frivolous and vexatious.

The committee was set up by the Chief Justice to investigate and institute disciplinary actions against the implicated judges.

Disguised appearance

Anas, whose undercover investigations exposed corruption within the Judicial Service, is the principal witness at the ongoing fact-finding committee.

When he and his two teammates appeared on the premises of the Judicial Service, the hooded-trio dashed out of their vehicle and headed straight to meet with the members of the committee.

Snippets of information the Daily Graphic gathered indicated that counsel for some of the judges subjected Anas and his colleagues to intense and lengthy cross-examinations.

Some of the lawyers, who wanted to remain anonymous, told the Daily Graphic that they told Anas that he, as the lead investigator, could see their faces while they could not come to terms with his true identity.

They attempted to have him remove his veil for them to see his face, but Anas and his colleagues reportedly refused to heed the request.




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