The President has made Ghanaians aware of the intention to create the office of a Special Prosecutor. The intention to create the office is defined by the President as an intention to weed out corruption from our from our governance system. Without good or genuine intention to create the office the idea may become a mere victimization tool or mere political agenda to appease fanatics of the President’s supporters and cohorts. If the President genuinely want to weed out corruption as promised Ghanaians, then this is the finest opportunity to prove the genuineness of his intention. Ghanaians expected him to take decisive decision on the BOST case and other alleged corruption cases brought against some of his appointees and associates to prove his real intention for proposing establishment of an independent prosecutor’s office but failed to utilise those opportunities. All allegations must be fully investigated and our security agencies charged to investigate corruption cases involving government officials must be as transparent as possible. The kind of allegations being levelled against appointees of this administration is damaging public confidence in the administration and politicians as a whole and it’s therefore vital that the President allows a thorough investigation is undertaken and the full findings published when his appointees get themselves involved in corrupt activities.

The two appointees of the President Mr Jinapor and Mr Assenso, giving the seriousness of the allegations against them, must be made to step aside for full scale investigation to be conducted. It would be wrong for the two to continue as appointees of the President while being investigated. The recorded voice conversation between A-plus and police CID officer clearly suggest that the officer compromised her position hence the need for a fresh investigation into the matter to determine whether or not charges should be brought. The confidence in the President had been strained these few months into by claims of corruption and others accusing his close associates of benefiting from secret deals at the Presidency. The President must use this case to test his independent prosecutor idea by appointing an independent body to do an investigation. Since the President is the head of the executive arm, he must also make sure the Police Officer whose voice was captured on the tape, steps aside for full and an independent investigation to be conducted into her activities as captured on tape. With a senior police officer under investigation, it is vital that whatever the outcome the public maintains confidence in the police institution hence the demand for the lady to step down for an independent body to look into her activities. The President’s name was mentioned by the police officer which makes the case more complex and he has no choice but to rescue himself. The point noteworthy, is the closeness of A-plus to the President. He was tied to the President’s campaign, and too tied to the President hence the need for a fresh independent investigation.

Source: Dickson Boadi // / Ghana

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