It has emerged the four Kumasi Academy students who died over the last few days died of Influenza Type A popularly referred to as Bird Flu.

Health Minister Kwaku Agyemang Manu has said 12 out of the 19 cases sent to the Noguchi Memorial Institute has tested positive for the virus.

Providing more details, the Minister said the Influenza type A has the H1N1 Pandemic strain.

At least 44 Kumasi Academy students were rushed to various hospitals in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region in what was initially suspected to be an outbreak of meningitis.

However tests proved negative with health officials contemplating what exactly may have caused the deaths of four students in the last seven days.

It was organised chaos in the school as parents and guardians rushed to pick their wards home fearing the worst may happen to them.

School authorities, Regional Minister as well as the Regional Health authorities appealed to the guardians to bring back their children to be administered with some antibiotics.

There were fears the students may transmit whatever virus they may have contracted to their families and close relations. Some of the parents were said to have brought back their wards.

In the midst of the chaos samples were taken from the affected students and sent to the Noguchi Memorial Institute, the country’s medical research institute to ascertain what may have caused the deaths.

After investigation by the research medical institute, it has emerged the students died of the bird flu virus.

The Health Minister reiterated that students who were sent home must immediately return so the vaccination will be administered to them.

He said no new cases have been reported over the last three days.

Kwaku Agyemang Manu said the way forward is to keep the students on campus while immediate steps are activated to supply vaccines to the school to contain the outbreak.



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